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TThose severe abdominal pain and heavy periods you might be going through is not something to hide because they could lead to abnormal growths that develop in or on your uterus which is technically termed as Fibroid. Dr. Jyoti Ayueda is best ayurvedic treatment for uterus fibroid. Get fibroid treatment ayurveda with Us at the best price.

What Is Fibroid?

These are called the abnormal non cancerous growth and are found in 80% of women after the age of 30 to 50. There are various sizes of Fibroids which may be small enough to get hidden by human eye and can be big enough in size that can distort the uterus.
The number of fibroids can be single or multiple ones. The womb can be extended to the rib cage due to being expanded by multiple fibroids.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroid

The size of the uterine fluid greatly affects the symptoms of the same. However the uncommonly seen symptoms of fibroids are:

* Having painful periods with heavy bleeding.

* Heavy periods which cause Anemia.

* Dealing with constipation.

* Feeling pain in the backbone or legs.

* Lower abdomen feeling something uncomfortable.

* Intercouse being painfull than usual.

* Urgent and frequent need to urinate.


Excessive intake of non vegetarian diet

Excessive intake of sweet, oily, fatty food

Lack of exercise

Lack of routine in sleeping & meal timings

Ayurvedic Perspective

* All above mentioned causes increase Kapha (biological energy responsible for creating structures) production in the body.

* This excessive Kapha weakens powers of Pitta(biological energy responsible for transformations)

* When this increased Kapha & weakened Pitta reaches the reproductive system,the increased Kapha accelerates excessive smooth muscle production in the uterus.

* As the uterus being the place of apan vayu it's also one of the causes of fibroids

* But because Pitta, which is responsible for healthy transformations, is weak, the quality of this smooth muscle is not good.

* There is formation of fibrous tissue which is hard & of low quality. Smooth muscles involved in formation of fibroid are also very dense due to increased Kapha.

* Increased Kapha slows down egg production at ovary & weak pitta fails to rupture the egg on time. As a result, the cysts start to develop inside the uterine muscles & these cysts are known as Fibroids.

Types of Uterine Fibroid

Intramural Uterine Fibroids

These are the most common type of fibroid but are non cancerous and often harmless but can cause symptoms including heavy periods or trouble conceiving. These are the fibroids which grow within the muscular uterine wall. And are typically discovered during a routine pelvic examination.

Subserosal Uterine fibroids

These are different from the above mentioned fibroid since they grow on the outer uterine wall. Their size gradually increases and continues to grow. They can range in size from small to really large ones.

Submucosal Uterine fibroid

The one fibroid which bulges into the uterine cavity is termed as Submucosal Uterine fibroid.They grows just under the surface of the uterine lining. They are found where the baby grows during the pregnancy and can crowd into the uterus cavity and lead to heavy bleeding.

Cervical Uterine fibroid

The fibroid which is composed of muscle tissue and are smooth, round benign tumors. They seldom develop in the cervix. Being found, these fibroid develop in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus.

Some other possible symptoms are:

Fertility problems

Ovulation remains unaffected from the uterine fibroid in general cases.However, in some cases the fibroids may affect the fertility and result in poor pregnancy outcomes. These fibroids may in some cases deform the inner uterine cavity and decrease productivity.

Cervical Uterine fibroid

The fibroid which is composed of muscle tissue and are smooth, round benign tumors. They seldom develop in the cervix. Being found, these fibroid develop in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus.

Causes of Uterine Fibroids

Though the causes are not exactly known but some of the generally detected ones are:
* Hormonal imbalance
* A positive family history
* An overweight body

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroid

The size of the uterine fluid greatly affects the symptoms of the same. However the uncommonly seen symptoms of fibroids are:
* Having painful periods with heavy bleeding.
* Heavy periods which cause Anemia.
* Dealing with constipation.
* Feeling pain in the backbone or legs.
* Lower abdomen feeling something uncomfortable.
* Intercouse being painfull than usual.
* Urgent and frequent need to urinate.

Some other possible symptoms are:

Fertility problems

Ovulation remains unaffected from the uterine fibroid in general cases.However, in some cases the fibroids may affect the fertility and result in poor pregnancy outcomes. These fibroids may in some cases deform the inner uterine cavity and decrease productivity.

Repeated miscarriages

Another symptoms is the recurrent miscarriage which can be caused by the uterine fibroids occassionally. And if the fibroid is not removed the sustainability of pregnancy can be in danger.

Labor problems

These fibroids can affect the pregnancy and thus risk of cesarean, preterm delivery, placental abruption, or the baby's breech arises due to the fibroids. And the progress of labor might be affected due to fibroids.

Now some of the fibroids are large which might lead to:

* Swelling in the lower abdomen

* Weight gain

* Pelvic pain during sex

* Obstructed or frequent urination due to pressure on the bladder

* Painful and difficult defecation due to the pressure on the rectum.

Ayurveda Approach to Manage Uterine Fibroids

As per ayurveda when the toxins accumulate in the tissues they disturbs the biochemistry of the body and loss of natural balance.
And thus the result of this causes the formation of Uterine Fibroids. Thus our treatment revolves around balancing this and treating from the root.
Various methods are used for diagnosing the uterine fibroids. The generally practiced ones are checking clinical history, pelvic MRI, and USG (UltraSonography).
As per ayurveda these fibroids are granthi, which is formed by coming together of several morbid factors and vitiated doshas. Granthi pathogenesis includes Kapha and Vata based tridoshas. And hence the focus is on balancing these doshas.
We prefer using blood purifying Ayurvedic medicines which helps in treating the uterine fibroid. Dietary changes and Ayurvedic medicines can prove to be helpful if the fibroids are diagnosed early, and thus all the significant symptoms can be improved.

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Fibroids

Our treatment for fibroids includes medication, procedures which removes or reduces the size of fibroid. We work on the root cause of fibroid like vata and pitta vitiation

Virechana (Detoxification):

Since fibroids are caused due to pitta dosha, virechan will help in reducing it by removing impurities from the body, it controls pain and heavy and uncontrolled bleeding.


As per ayurveda vata dosha plays an important role in causing Fibroid. And basti is an ardha chikitsa for vata dosha. Basti is considered to be an effective method of Panchakarma by ayurveda when dealing with Fibroid and hence results in reducing the pain and controls the excessive bleeding. Basti chikitsa is found to be very effective for Fibroid for curing the infertility issue. In this procedure enema having herbal oil or decoction is released through Rectum and this increases the ovulation in females on a regular basis. Basti helps in regulating our hormonal access


In uttarbasti we insert kadha, ayurvedic oils and herbs inside the uterus this will reduce the fibroids. Uttarbasti is a specialized practice in ayurveda. Uttarbasti is an effective practice performed on women dealing with fibroids and it provides effects on the uterus and ovaries.

Uterine Fibroids Diet Plan & Lifestyle

The fibroids which are non cancerous can also be dangerous and are triggered by increase in body weight, suppression of natural urges, use of hormonal contraceptive pills, constipation, junk food, and mental stress. Ayurveda recommends the lifestyle which must be followed to cure it and this includes performing Yoga, physical exercises, a healthy and light diet, and oil massage therapies can help relieve the symptoms. These practices when adapted by the one dealing with the fibroid will not only help in curing uterine fibroids but they work effectively with Ayurvedic medicines and treatment.


"PANCHKARMA" Absolutely fine place for whome who are fadeup, taking allopathic treatment and still suffering. I am taking treatment from PANCHAKAMA and belive me its really helpful. No side effects of treatment only having good health. I highly recommend PANCHKARMA. Everyone should try once. There is no harm. Thank u Dr. Jyoti. She is having deep knowledge of Ayurveda. Very kind and helping women. Thanks once again and wishing very all the best for spreading AYURVEDA knowledge.

Ankur Ajmera


Happy to share about yoga and meditation . Amazing and stress reliver . I met Dr. Jyoti Patidar ma’am few years back and started with yoga than after taken a janubasti because of the continues pain in my knees which helped me a lot, almost relieved with the problem, with that I also took some more therapy which later helped me in my blood pressure and diabetes too. Have full trust on the panchkarmas and other Ayurvedic treatments as they have no side effects and long lasting benefits. All thanks to Dr. Jyoti ma’am for her guidance and treatments.

Yogesh Shah


My experience on Ayurvedik therapy and treatment from Dr. Jyoti is superb.. I was suffering from chronic diseases from approx 10years , hyper acidity, gastric problems, had taken allopathic treatment from many drs. in Indore, Bhopal and Bangalore but result was not good, now I took punchkarm from Dr. Jyoti and feeling surprised that we can get positive and permanent result in Ayurveda only. Good result by punchkarma in all dieses.

praveen saxena



  • What is fibroid?

    Fibroids are tumors made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. They develop in the uterus.

  • It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of women will develop fibroids in their lifetime — however, not everyone will develop symptoms or require treatment.

  • In women who have symptoms, the most common signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

    Heavy menstrual bleeding.
    Menstrual periods lasting more than a week.
    Pelvic pressure or pain.
    Frequent urination.
    Difficulty emptying the bladder.
    Backache or leg pains.

  • These things can raise your chances of developing uterine fibroids, such as:

    Getting your period at a young age
    Birth control use
    Vitamin D deficiency
    Eating too much red meat and not enough green vegetables, fruit, or dairy
    Family history

  • Ayurvedic formulations Kanchanara Guggulu, Shigru Guggulu, and Haridra Khand are found to be effective treatment modality in uterine fibroid.

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