15 MR 4, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

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What is Infertility and How Common is it?

Doctors generally define infertility as not conceiving after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without birth control. Possible causes include a low sperm count in males and ovulation disorders in females. This is a very usual problem found in one-third of infertile couples. In the age group of 30-39 years, 22% of Women have an Infertility Problem.  

The body component named Shukra Dhatu carries the Reproductive Capacity. Both men, as well as women, have infertility problems on a different basis. The basis is at different adequate level of hormones and challenging to determine.

Causes of Infertility in Men: 

Male Infertility reasons include Low Sperm Production, Abnormal Sperm Function, Low Sperm Motility or Blockages that are a hindrance in Delivering Sperm. The other reasons can be Chronic Illness, Lifestyle Choices, and Injuries.

The most common issues that lead to infertility in men are problems that affect how the testicles work. Other problems are hormone imbalances or blockages or absence of some of the ducts in the male reproductive organs. Lifestyle factors and age-related factors also play a role in male infertility.

Causes of Infertility in Women: 

 It may be sometimes difficult to find the actual reason for Female Infertility. One of the major causes can be too short (less than 21 Days) or too long (more than 35 Days) Menstrual Cycle, this is due to Lack of Ovulation.

Problems with ovulation are the most common reasons for infertility in women. Women infertility can be caused due to excess intake of alcohol, smoking habits, being obese, exposure to chemicals and excess stress levels. In women the other reasons refer to the medical conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, uterine problems, tubal factors, ovarian factors and age related factors.

Infertility Ayurvedic Treatments:

According to Ayurveda, Shukra is considered as seventh Dhatu in the body. It is the terminal tissue element of the body. From words such, the word shuka is derived. Shukra Dhatu refers to both male and female reproductive tissue, although menstrual blood and ovum are considered separately as Artava Dhatu. Agni Deepana and Ama Pachana, Vatanulomana, Sodhana are the proven Infertility Ayurvedic Treatment Fundamentals.

1. Agni Deepana and Ama Pachana

Agni is the reason for many diseases that are caused in the body. This Treatment helps in the use of Digestive and Carimative Ayurvedic Formulations and corrects Agni and eliminates Ama. Healthy Ojas can be Well Managed with Healthy Agni. In this stage usually kashaya, vati, churna or arishta may be selected based on the sthana (koshta / shaka), avastha (prabhuta, madhyama, alpa etc).

2. Vatanulomana

Vata is the primary Dosha which causes Infertility. So, Vatanulomana is the Treatment that corrects Vata followed by Routine Exercises and Strict Diet.


An Ayurvedic process for detoxification and modification of therapeutic activities of poisonous medicinal plants. Sodhana is a Treatment that is done as per the condition of the patient. Ovarian, Tubular and Uterine Problems can be corrected well with this Therapy. It includes 5 different treatment procedures – Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya & Raktamokshana.

Panchkarma Therapy helps in the treatment of Male Infertility through various Treatments like:

  1.  Uttar Basti - A cleansing action that clears the genital passage and restores the sexual functions and nutrition to the reproductive system and is highly effective in potency. 

  2. Vaman - It is the most effective infertility treatment that enhances conception. It increases Digestion & Metabolic Rate, General Health is restored and improves Nutrition and Immunity.

  3. Virechana- In Virechana, purgation is induced by drugs to eliminate the excess of Pitta dosha from the body. It prevents the body from diseases or helps in treating them most effectively. 

  4. Basti-  Through Herbal Decodation and Medication of Oils into the Colon through the Rectum is introduced. It effectively treats health disorders arising from abdominal Vata and systemic Vata.

  5. Vajikarana Chikitsa- Branch of Ayurveda which is practised to promote the health and sexual life of healthy men as well as of sexually weak patients. It provides strength and improves the fertility rate in Males.

We offer Female Infertility Ayurvedic Treatments after Prakriti Parikshan. Dr Jyoti asserts the Best Ayurvedic Treatment without any side effects or high-dose medications. Some of the most effective Ayurvedic treatments are:

  1. Virechan (Detox)- Virechan is the radical purification that eliminates waste toxinsand products, and removes them from the body. It deep cleanses the tissues of the organs and helps in removing all the toxins from the body.

  1. Uttar Basti- On the 6th day of the Menstrual Cycle, we perform Uttar Basti which helps in detoxification of the reproductive tract like the uterus & fallopian tube. With the help of a rubber catheter, we inculcate the medicated oil or Ayurvedic medicines in the uterine cavity under aseptic conditions.

  2. Basti -One of the most successful infertility treatments that involved the stimulation of medicated oils, herbal decoctions, and sometimes milk or other liquids through the vagina in infertile women.

  3. Shirodhara - 'Shiro' means head and 'Dhara' means flow, it is one of the oldest traditional methods to cure the mental health of females which harmonizes vata constitutions, restores the nerves, releases stored emotions and purifies the mind.

  4. Vaman - It helps in the removal of Kapha and Vata dosha and improves the chances of conception. It reduces the hormonal imbalance, stabilizes the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, and increases the metabolic rate in the female body.

Impurities in the Body are removed by these Ayurvedic Treatments leading to Strengthened Mind and Immune System. These Treatments also help in Reducing Stress.


Male & Female Ayurvedic InfertilityAdvantages:

Get the Best Ayurvedic IVF Treatment in Indore from Dr. Jyoti for Infertility related Problems and treat the disease by strengthening the Body's Self-healing System, Reinforcing the Mind, and Improving the Overall Life Quality of an Individual.

Below are the 7 Benefits for Male and Female Ayurvedic Treatment at our Clinic in Indore:

1). Herbal Treatment:

As per the latest evidence, Herbal Medicines are an Effective Way for Infertility Treatment. Many Ayurvedic Doctors recommend Herbs that help in eradicating the causes of Infertility in males and females. Ayurvedic Herbs and Herbal Preparations serve as a natural tonic for male and female reproductive organs. The most commonly known and used herbs such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemousus), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) are extremely useful formulations which help create the synergistic hormonal balance between the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Herbal Treatment for infertility is deemed to be one of the most Holistic Ways of Healing Systems Focusing on Treating the Health Conditions as a whole.

2). Higher Chances of Conception:

Conception takes place when Sperm swims up through Vagina to fertilize an Egg in the Fallopian Tube. The Chances of Conception are improved as each and every Cell in the Body is Nourished and Functions at its best.

3). Improvement of Quality of Egg and Sperm:

The Quality of Egg is the Major Factor that is looked after in Infertility Treatment. Ayurvedic Treatment augments the Quality of Egg and Sperm in the Body and helps in Infertility treatment.

4). Revamps the Overall Health:

Lifestyle Factors influences the Overall Health and Well-being. Herbal Treatment helps in Enhancement of Fertility by improving the Health of a being - Physical, Mental as well as Emotional.

5). Proper Control of Stress and Ovulation:

Whether you are dealing with a health crisis or not, maintaining your health is
extremely important for which physical activity in the form of any exercise along with yoga and meditation to improve flexibility, stretch and relaxation to your mind is valuable to a great extent. Herbs are derived from Plant and its Natural Resources such as Plant Leaves, Bark, Flowers, Roots, Fruits and Berries. Stress and Ovulation can be well controlled with the Herbal Treatment of Infertility. 

6). Healthy Diet:

Taking Herbal Supplements are a supporting element in Herbal Treatment. Following a strict diet such as taking Jamun with Honey on a regular basis as suggested by the Doctor is the fastest way to cure Infertility. 

7). Easy Way for Infertility:

Herbal Treatment is the most effective way for Infertility. This type of Treatment is an easy way to overcome infertility as it includes Fewer Complications and is Reasonable for the Majority of People to take this Treatment.

Ayurveda cures the disease permanently and removes all the bacteria from the body without the use of any Chemicals or Injections.. It supports a better lifestyle through which you can improve our overall health. Allopathy destroys the germs but doesn't ensure that the disease will be cured permanently. In Ayurveda, Doctors identify what is interfering with the Fertility Process and the Ayurvedic Treatment re-establishes proper functioning of Human Body, Mind,and Soul. To conclude, conceiving requires a proper Herbal Treatment. At Dr. Jyoti Ayurvedic Clinic in Indore, we have been successfully able to treat well even after a patient has a gap of numerous years. We help them create a balance in Life and live a Healthy Lifestyle. This is all possible due to High Rich Protein Diet provided by us that helps in Fertility in a great way.



Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment in Indore


गर्भधारण नहीं कर पाने से हैं परेशान? Treatments for Infertility | Low AMH | Dr Jyoti Patidar


"PANCHKARMA" Absolutely fine place for whome who are fadeup, taking allopathic treatment and still suffering. I am taking treatment from PANCHAKAMA and belive me its really helpful. No side effects of treatment only having good health. I highly recommend PANCHKARMA. Everyone should try once. There is no harm. Thank u Dr. Jyoti. She is having deep knowledge of Ayurveda. Very kind and helping women. Thanks once again and wishing very all the best for spreading AYURVEDA knowledge.

Ankur Ajmera


Happy to share about yoga and meditation . Amazing and stress reliver . I met Dr. Jyoti Patidar ma’am few years back and started with yoga than after taken a janubasti because of the continues pain in my knees which helped me a lot, almost relieved with the problem, with that I also took some more therapy which later helped me in my blood pressure and diabetes too. Have full trust on the panchkarmas and other Ayurvedic treatments as they have no side effects and long lasting benefits. All thanks to Dr. Jyoti ma’am for her guidance and treatments.

Yogesh Shah


My experience on Ayurvedik therapy and treatment from Dr. Jyoti is superb.. I was suffering from chronic diseases from approx 10years , hyper acidity, gastric problems, had taken allopathic treatment from many drs. in Indore, Bhopal and Bangalore but result was not good, now I took punchkarm from Dr. Jyoti and feeling surprised that we can get positive and permanent result in Ayurveda only. Good result by punchkarma in all dieses.

praveen saxena



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