15 MR 4, Mahalaxmi Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

Boost your child immunity with Suvarnaprashan


  • What does Ayurveda suggest for migraine Relief?

    Avoid exposure to mid-day sun and cold winds

    Follow a regular 8 hour sleep schedule

    Schedule a 30-40 minutes of morning/evening walk everyday

    Follow relaxation techniques to deal with chronic stress

    Don't suppress natural urges (sneezing, moving the bowels or urinating)

  • Herbs such as Amlaki, Jyotishmati, Yashtimadhu, sariva, Haritaki, Ghrit kumari, Bala are used for the treatment of Migraine.

  • Exposure to sunlight for a long period of time

    Excessive intake of pungent, dry or salty food


    Manas doshas like anger, grief, jealousy, stress etc

    Intake of Polluted, oily, spicy food

  • Shirolepa- To Pacify pitta, sheet dravyas like chandan paste is applied on the head.

    Shirodhara-Pouring hot medicated oil on forehead.

    Ksheeradhara-Pouring buttermilk over head

    Shirobasti- Placing medicated oil on head with some instrumental help

    Nasyam- Pouring medicated oil in nostrils to nourish and stimulate the nerves in the brain

    Kaval grah- Holding Pitta Shamak kwath in mouth and rotating the same.

  • Migraine is a disease that has no cure as of yet. But getting the right treatment from Ayurveda can help prevent or stop them, it can help to keep your symptoms from getting worse and provide you relief from the pain.

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